Sunday, May 11, 2008

The World's Most Terrible Liar!

I loved you more than anyone in this world.

I believed everything you said.

All the lies you made up.

All the promises you made.

Damn, I'm so freaking naive,

For believing every bullshit that came out of your mouth,

I knew everything you said to me were lies,

But, I just couldn't accept it,

My lips kept saying that you are a fake

You're a liar,

But my heart said the opposite,

My lips were trying to persuade my heart,

But my heart was trying to convince my lips,

They both were so stubborn.

Finally, I realized that you lied all along,

Ever since the first day we met,

It was all lies and pretense,

I cannot believe that I fell for you,

The world's most terrible liar!


N said...

fuck,well thats lfe..either u lie or u gt lied at.
it ain't easy cz it hurts lke shit wen u realise it.
bt at least u wn't b that naive anymre.

Arthur B. Tawie said...

Just accept things what is given to you...or just...I don't know.